Help going forward in these times

It’s great to see some events are able to take place, unfortunately others are being severely impacted, some multiple times! With a common theme of questions coming from organisers and participants, we see the benefit in an update on how we can assist with different scenarios...

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Welcome new Australian eventplus partners

We’re delighted to partner with Tom and Alina from AMTL Events in Australia. "We are super excited to be representing eventplus in Australia and helping others to grow their events"..

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Participant Trends and Covid-19

Up until very recently, 2021 has been positive for most events. So far we've seen a record number of events open, with really good participant uptake.

Participants seem enthusiastic about competing, meeting up and enjoying the event day.

Gathering restrictions aside, engaging...

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Participant Restrictions and Lockdowns Q&A

As Melbourne, and now New Zealand has imposed restrictions, we’ve been responding to a number of enquiries from event owners; some directly impacted and others thinking ahead just in case.

We’ve taken the essence of these questions and summarised below in case others find it help...

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